Dexter definitely has his favorites among the dozens of toys he has. The Kong Wubba throw and chew toy is one of his favorites. This tough toy is great for throwing, tugging, whipping back and forth, and of course, chewing. Dexter goes nuts whenever he gets a new one, which is about once a month for him.
Made with reinforced nylon, this durable toy has a squeak toy inside, along with another small ball at the top. The long tails on the end make it perfect for throwing or playing tug-of-war. Your pup will spend hours running and playing with this toy. And when he tires out from all of that, the chewing will commence.
Nylon vs. Canine Teeth
When I first got Dexter five years ago, he lived with another pup, a Pitbull, and became fast friends. He picked up on the pits chewing habits and has a habit of destroying any toy that isn’t made of stone (see my other photos of Dex trying to pull rocks out of a river).
Within a few hours of working it, he’ll have a seem or two open. No matter. The happy look on his face is proof enough of this toy’s popularity. After a few days, the squeaker toy is out, and now he has another toy to play with.
A few weeks later, he’ll usually get the small tennis ball free and have yet another toy. This one doesn’t last long, though. He loves to play catch, but those Pitty chewing instincts come back, and he has this tiny ball split in two after a day or two.
No matter, though, even the little bits and pieces provide hours of entertainment! This toy is a must in his collection of balls, ropes, and miscellaneous chew toys. A great price, long-lasting, and your puppy will thank you.
Along with the Kong Wubba toy, be sure to check out Kong Company for some of their other great toys.